This article was written by Udemy instructor Emilie Schrevens-Wester
Podcasting is so amazing. You just find something to listen to and press play, then enjoy the rest of your day. For a creator it is a great opportunity as well, you don’t need a complex filming setup, you only need a decent mic, and you can produce content and be on your merry way.
Let’s discuss how to start a podcast and make money from it.
1) Pick your name, topic and target
What is your goal? Entertain people and get lots of views? Having guests debating? Teach your skills to the audience? Based on your goal, you’ll see who your target audience is. It’s important to know it so you can shape your podcast the best way possible.
2) Set your tagline.
“Car Lovers: the podcast by and for car enthusiasts”
“Planet Discovery: for those curious about the universe”
“CinemaVision: we analyze the classics of the 21st century”
3) Decide on the basics
How long is your podcast? Will you produce cover art for each episode? Will you try having recurring guests? Who is sponsoring your episodes?
Do you want to comment on current events or can your podcasts be planned 6 months ahead?
4) Research
Research your subject, rehearse, prepare for the recording, make it entertaining, write a script if needed. Pro tip: If you write a script, you can also use it and publish a blog post if some people prefer to read over listening to a podcast.
If you’re wondering whether you need to write a whole detailed script, you don’t. It’s up to you, but writing the whole podcast script word for word is going to take you time. If you can, write an outline that indicates the main topics, sub-topics, pause moments, when your guests are speaking, when the ad break is, when the subject changes, etc.
Basically, write yourself a guide that has all the vital information. The more scripts you write, the better you’ll get at it. What you need to make sure of is that you have all the info you need on hand and that you don’t sound too robotic while reading from your script.
You can add music, pre-recorded voice-overs or interviews from other guests, and more to keep the audience entertained.
Don’t write the script as if you’re an anchor reading their script or as if you’re writing some fiction book. Write exactly how you speak in real life to avoid playing a character that isn’t you.
Once you have the main frame of the script written down, include things like:
Tone: how you need to sound
How long a section is supposed to be
When you’re pausing to breathe or let the listener digest what you just said
Research podcasting websites and figure out which ones you want to use and see what their quality requirements are. Adapt accordingly (especially with audio quality, topics discussed, and visuals), it would suck to lose your audience because you didn’t read the terms of use and mentioned a sensitive topic.
5) Prepare the sounds/questions/extra audio and record
Once you’re done recording (with a free software like Audacity) and editing the podcast episode,, pick a couple main subjects you talked about and use them to find a title for your podcast.
If you have a guest, highlight it. If something really funny or memorable was said, use that line as “clickbait” to attract listeners. Eg:
“UFC Champion thinks his pre-workout drink was poisoned by opponent”
“Richest man of England reveals “it’s all about investing in xyz”
Other “clickbait” titles that work are:
“We need to talk about xyz topic”
“Everything changed the moment I did xyz”
“If it wasn’t for xyz, it wouldn’t be the same”
6) Promote yourself, get nice guests, get paid for it
You could be doing podcasting just to promote your products and services, but you can keep it entertaining by having guests over, talking about the news of the week, or talk about products you’re paid to promote.
Eg: You’re skilled with arts and crafts and decide to learn more about making your own soap. You invite a local soap maker to discuss it and include discussions about the economy to put the emphasis on how useful it is to make your own soap. Promote the products of your guest or a primary purchase like a “soap extracting machine” (I just made that up) that can be bought on Amazon through your affiliate link.
Read questions from your audience to keep the listeners engaged.
7) Keep practicing and learning
One day you’ll master the craft of podcasting so well that you’ll be able to be funny, entertaining, sound professional, and do all your podcasts live while checking your audience chat at the same time.
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